Wednesday, September 2, 2009

home body


i'm sitting on the couch eating potato chips and drinking apple juice waiting until Ella needs more food. She is a sleepy head today, which is alright.

My life has become very simplistic. Here is our schedule:

8:00-10:00 Eat/Finish Sleeping from the night
10:00- 11:00 90210 Ella Sleeps
11:00-12:00 90210, Ella eats/Sleeps
12:00-1:00 The OC Ella Sleeps
1:00-2:00 The OC Ella Sleeps/ Possibly Eats
2:00- 3:00 One Tree Hill Ella is awake for awhile
3:00-4:00 Ella Sleeps- Mama Naps
4:00-5:00 Gilmore Girls, Daddy comes home - Ella Eats
5:00-6:00 Possible Walk.

This could be the life.=)

Except it is 12:04 and I have yet to take a shower, brush my teeth, or clean any bottles. Also, I have checked facebook possibly 50 times already today. But I can drive on Friday, and I'm hoping to get out of the house more with Ella.

However- what if I go to target and have to pee? How does that work when you have a newborn? Do I need to hurry and go home? It's not like they have a newborn waiting station in the bathroom while momma pees. Maybe having a newborn qualifies me to go into the handicap stall now? Hmmm.......

More later. later I a month or so when I remember I have a blog =)

Sunday, July 12, 2009

34 weeks

Okay, so I am at 34 weeks. Other than my legs killing me, my veins getting worse, and the doctor telling me my water could break at ANYTIME, I am good.

Taking a day off of work today to prop my feet up after the wedding stuff on friday and saturday. I was hoping to get some lesson plans done for maternity leave...but i'm still not sure what i am teaching. thank you, school.

meghan is moving here in a few weeks, which is very exciting! I am cutting my hours back at work, which is also exciting. Little Ella will be here soon!

I watched the MJ Memorial and it was a very good memorial. However, just a few things. I wish that CNN and such type news people would stop showing creepy interviews of MJ holding hands with little kids and shaking babies. Can we just see the Beat it video? Also, Al Sharpton referred to MJ as changing the plite of African Americans and helping with equal history book says that was MLK. Just saying.

i just spilled water all over my hospital registration papers that it took my mom a month to get for me. oops.

Friday, April 10, 2009


What kind of person puts out a song about themselves telling everyone to "IF YOU SEEK AMY". Not only that, but saying everyone wants to.

I think this person has a severe self esteem issue. Either that or they really think that about the world. If this is the case, Diddy needs to get rid of the bitch assness.


Sunday, March 1, 2009

I ate two cheeseburgers this weekend.

They were good.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Meredith..I stole your baby widget.

I am a copier.


Sometimes I want a cheeseburger. I think about the cheeseburger all day or week, or whatever it may be. I think about how good it will be. I think about what I will put on it. What I will drink with it. Will I get fries with that?

Then I actually get the cheeseburger. I don't want it anymore.

Poor Cheeseburger.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I'm going to Washington DC!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Just doing their job..

As a teacher, you have to do a lot of disciplining. This usually includes a glance of warning, a verbal warning, an assignment, a phone call home, or finally, a referral to the office. I try not to turn in too many referrals, but sometimes you have to.

There was a teacher in a neighboring school in the same district I teach in. The school is supposed to be the better area and the better school. A teach wrote a student up for skipping, which is something I do on a regular basis. The very next day the student came in and held a gun to the teacher's head asking why the teacher was messing with him.

All I really want to say is that I don't know what the world is coming to. Feeling safe while you are at work should be an added benefit, but I don't always feel safe.

It's true

I am always hungry.